Before I die I want to… | Falcon Photography
How would you finish that statement? My list is pretty long so we won’t go into just yet.
I came across an interesting website that ask that exact question of people and then captures their response on a Polaroid picture. The website is a project set up by two people, Nicole Kenney & ks rives, who are asking this question of people and capturing their answers on a Polaroid picture. They intend to follow up with the people they’ve asked this question of… five, ten years later (or longer) to see if these people have accomplished their goal they set. I think they have got a great idea and I applaud their effort.
Does you brain immediately start playing the “Hey Ya!” song by OutKast when you hear or read Polaroid picture?? I do!
OK, so back to my list… a couple of things come to mind.
Before I die I want to…
- Celebrate with my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary this year.
- See my wife walk across the stage at her law school graduation.
- Know that I made a positive contribution in in the lives of my customers and also in my photography profession.
- Travel to the seven continents.
- But wait! There’s more… the list goes on and on.
OK, let’s make this interactive. Drop me a comment on things you would like to do before you die.