A ray of sunshine after the storm. Hummingbirds! | Falcon Photography
Every fall for the past 4-5 years, I have enjoyed the fall migration of the hummingbirds. Specifically the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. These little birds make a huge trip down to Central America for the winter. So they usually load up on all the sugar and insects they can hoard building up as much fat to carry them for the long trip. Many have been known to make the entire flight across the Gulf of Mexico rather than fly around the coastline.
Anyway, my wife and I get a real enjoyment from observing and providing (feeding) for these birds for their journey south. We put out the feeders a couple of weeks ago to test if they were migrating there way for the winter. About a two weeks ago we saw one, then two birds frequenting the feeder. We then put out another, then another feeder as the number grew… then IKE came. We were sure that this would force the birds south early and our fall observation of the migratio would be over but (yeah!) hurricane IKE did not send them away.
Sunday morning, while sweating outside (’cause my power is out due to the hurricane), I paced the feeders back up. Not more than 30 minutes later, I had 3 hummingbirds show up and start to continue the gorge fest. Another hour or two later, I counted a total of 8-10 birds swarming over the 7 variety of feeders that i had placed around the yard. If you have never experienced this buzzzzzzing sound of the birds blurring past you while in the yard, it’s quite an experience. I quickly grabbed my camera to snap a few pics of the visiting birds. You know, they sure are some quick, camera shy suckers! Enjoy.