An Award For Me? | Houston Portrait Photographer
What a great evening…
On January 20, 2015, Professional Photographers Guild of Houston (PPGH) had its annual meet-the president and awards meeting. It was a great event with over 100 people in attendance. Many past presidents, active members, and also first-time guests came to meet Belinda Higgins, PPGH’s 2015 President and the 2015 board.
What I did know…
As a board member and active member in the Guild, I had earned enough service points to earn my Associate Fellowship Degree. I was excited to receive this recognition, having put time in on different committees to earn the required service points. Also, my good friend and mentor, Karen Butts gave me my Associate Fellowship medal. As the meeting agenda unfolded, we eventually turned to awards and recognition. My name was called out and Karen read some information about my tenure with the Guild and activities with PPGH. People who know me know that I am NOT shy, but I was humbled by the recognition of my contributions to the Guild. Anyway, I don’t recall too much other than smiling at the camera as my pictured was captured. Little did I know there was more recognition for me to come later in the evening.
What else I did not know…
After the Fellowship recognition, the image competition awards were next, then next came the President’s Award. This is given by the Guild president to a member who has outstanding service to the Guild. As I was still buzzing with my Fellowship recognition, I was not paying close attention when they called my name. What? Me? Seriously? As it turns out, it was me. No feigning surprise here. I was not expecting this and was likewise humbled by this recognition. I get a call for help and if I can, I do. That’s just how I was raised. So I smiled, got my picture taken and went away smiling.
But wait, there’s more. So next on the agenda is the Executive Director’s Award. Similar to the president’s award, which is for recognition of outstanding service. Tom Hathcock, the Guild executive director, began to describe the person who was 2014’s recipient of this award and again, my name was spoken. Now at this point, I am starting to think that I must be dreaming. Come on… I surely don’t deserve this. I just help when asked. Nothing uncommon, right? Again, I walk up to the front, smile and get my picture taken.
So when my evening started, I knew that I was going to receive my Associate Fellowship Degree and was excited to be receiving this recognition. Little did I know that I would be taking home three (3) awards! Below are a few images from the evening. It was a good night in the Falcon household.
Thanks to Randall Stanford, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP for capturing the images for this event. If you would like to view all the images posted to Facebook (like our page too), click here. And if you are a photographer, you should come to one of our meetings to hear some great speakers in 2015.